Strategic Consulting & Scientific Assessments for Forests of the Future
Are you looking for a sound advise?
You want to invest in forest property?
My team has many years of experience in the acquisition and implementation of forestry projects and their sustainable management - worldwide.
I would like to support you in your project.
More information about here:
Dr. Joachim Krug
My work is my passion and a positive drive for every day. It makes me grow in every new challenge and achieve new goals.
My main focuses are
- Project acquisition, coordination and administration
- Academic cooperation and coordination of research projects
- Evaluation of forest real estate
- Forest ecology and assessment of forest resources
- Climate change and sustainable, "climate-save" forest management
- Policy advice and economic decision-making
Based in Germany, I work almost worldwide.
Get to know me
My vision
In light of the increasing complexity of the challenges our society is facing , sustainable resource management is the most important basis for long-term development..
Individual needs and decisions are often the key to change and require a sound knowledge base. This concerns (private) forest management as well as e.g. the buffer zone management of protected areas.
Ultimately, an administration or policy can only provide a suitable environment if there is a reliable and sound basis of information available.
What I offer
I bring it to the point.
I am bringing together the relevant fundamentals and the latest findings and experiences; evaluating them with reliable methods and thus offering a well-founded decision-making basis in good time.
For this I have a team with many years of experience and a global network in practice, science and politics.
My own story
For 21 years I have been working as a consultant for the protection and sustainable management of forests and forest landscapes - worldwide. The focus of my experience lies in the evaluation of forest resources to take account of various utilisation interests and, in particular, the importance of forests in climate change.
The scope of my previous clients includes official bodies (the European Commission, the German Government's delegation to climate negotiations), research institutions (the Federal Research Institute BFH / Thünen Institute, Universities of Hamburg, Göttingen and Kassel-Witzenhausen), private-sector organizations (Landesbetrieb HessenForst, Waldholz Real Estate) and development cooperation organizations (GIZ and KfW). In addition to Europe, my regional expertise is concentrated in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Eastern and Southern Africa.
Would you like to know more?
Do you have a question or would you like to know more about how we can work together? I look forward to hearing from you and am happy to help you.
[email protected]
+49 176 20904460