What distinguishes me ?


I am experienced, reliable and always focused on good results and appreciate working with great clients.

My motivation is to devote myself to a new world in each project, fully and completely. An excerpt of my orders in recent years is as follows: 

*  terraquantum (consulting project European market), 2020.
*   UPM KYMMENE Finnland (consulting project German market), 2020.
*   Waldholz Real Estate (consulting project Skandinavia and Baltics), 2019.
*   University Göttingen (research project climate forestry), 2016-2019.
*   State forest agency HessenForst (consulting projects in Vietnam, Usbekistan, Tadschikistan, Kasachstan, Kyrgistan and Turkmenistan, Kenya), 2013-2018.
*   Governmental research institute Thünen-Institut (research projects in Brasilia, Vietnam, Nepal, Tansania; scientific advisor in  climate change negatiations for the German delegation COP 7 to COP 13), 2007 - 2013.
*   University Hamburg (research project climate forestry: Skandinavia and Baltics), 2010.
*   European Commission (consulting project forests and climate change), 2009.
*   Universities Göttingen and Kassel-Witzenhausen (research projects in Nagaland (India), Indonesia, Vietnam, Namibia and Kenya), 2004-2006.
*   ODA Organisations DED, GTZ und KfW (consulting projects in Kenya, Namibia, Mongolia), 1998 - 2004.


Comprehensive evaluation requires sound documentation - only then can 'history be written'. For my clients, as well as for me.

I documented my most important projects as follows: 

Krug JHA (2020): Skizze Geschäftsmodell terraquantum. [Evaluation and Report on behalf of Waldholz Real Estate]

Krug JHA (2020): Beechwood in central Germany. A review in the potentials of risk-free industrial procurement of beechwood in terms of general opportunities and social and environmental consequences. [Evaluation and report on behalf of UPM KYMMENE, Finland]

Krug JHA (2019): How can forest management increase CO2 sequestration? A case study on beech forests in Hesse, Germany. Carbon Balance and Management 2019 14:17. [SCIE 4,37

Krug J (2019): Waldimmobilien in Nordeuropa. AFZ 2019:23. [IFP 0,24]

Krug J (2019): Forstimmobilien und Holzmarkt in Nordeuropa. Vorstudie zu relevanten Informationen für Investitionen in den nordeuropäischen Forstimmobilienmarkt. [Report on behalf of Waldholz Real Estate]

Krug JHA (2018): Accounting of GHG emissions and removals from forest management: a long road from Kyoto to Paris. Carbon Balance and Management 13:1. [SCIE 4,372]

Krug JHA (2017): Adaptation of Colophospermum mopane to extra-seasonal drought conditions: Site - vegetation relations in dry-deciduous forests of Zambezi Region (Namibia). Forest Ecosystems 4:25. [2-year Impact Factor: 2,426]

Krug JHA (2017): Tree water potentials supporting an explanation for the occurrence of Vachellia erioloba in the Namib Desert (Namibia). Forest Ecosystems 4:20. [2-year Impact Factor: 2,426]

Krug J, Köhl M, Lindner M, Kellomäki S, Eriksson H, Saikkonen K, Heidecke C (2015): BACC II - Socio-economic impacts of current and future climate change on forestry and agriculture. In: BACC II, Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin, Regional Climate Studies, Springer.

Niemelä P, Tolvanen H, Rönka M, Kellomäki S, Krug J, Schurgers G, Lehikoinen E, Kalliola R (2015): BACC II – Environmental Impacts – Costal Ecosystems, Birds and Forests. In: BACC II, Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin, Regional Climate Studies, Springer.

Krug J, Eriksson H (2012): Mitigation measures in forestry. Report for the European Commission SFC AD HOC WG Climate Change and Forestry. [Report on behalf of the European Commission]

Krug J, Köhl M, Kownatzki D (2012): Revaluing unmanaged forests for climate change mitigation. Carbon Balance and Management 7:11. [SCIE 4,372]

Lax J, Krug J (2012): CICD – Livelihood Assessment: A participatory tool for natural resource dependent communities. A case study in northern Vietnam. [Handbook]

Stier A, Lax J, Krug J (2012): Setting up Locally Appropriate Ecological Criteria and Indicators to Evaluate Sustainable Forest Management in Dinh Hoa District (Northern Vietnam). In: Sustainable Forest Management – Case Studies. InTech, ISBN 978-953-51-0511-4.

Pahlow L, Krug J (2012): Brennstoffversorgung führt Bevölkerung in Illegalität, Holznutzung und Brennstoffversorgung im semiariden Nordosten Tansanias - Analyse von Ressourcen-Nutzungskonflikten. Holzzentralblatt 138:9.

Krug J, Kriebitzsch WU, Riedel T, Olschofsky K, Bolte A, Polley H, Stümer W, Rock J, Oehmichen K, Kroiher F, Wellbrock N (2011):  Potenziale zur Vermeidung von Emissionen sowie der zusätzlichen Sequestrierung im Wald und daraus resultierenden Fördermaßnahmen. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz. Arbeitsbericht aus dem Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft 2011:03. Braunschweig, Hamburg.

Krug J, Rock J, Stümer W, Dunger K, Riedel T, Rüter S (2011): The German Reference Level for FM ‐ Background Paper. Thünen‐Institut, Hamburg, Eberswalde.

Krug J, Riedel T, Olschofsky K, Dunger K (2011): Hintergründe zur Reduktion der Senkenleistung aus Waldbewirtschaftung seit 1990. Stellungnahme im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz. Arbeitsbericht aus dem Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft 2011:04. Braunschweig, Hamburg.

Krug J, Köhl M (2010): Bedeutung der deutschen Forstwirtschaft in der Klimapolitik. AFZ 2010:17. [IFP 0,24]

Galloway G, Katila P, Krug J (2010): The Need for New Strategies and Approaches. In: Forests and Society, Responding to Global Drivers of Change. Mery, Katila, Galloway, Alfaro, Kanninen, Lobovikov, Varjo. IUFRO World Series Vol. 25.

Köhl M, Baldauf T, Plugge D, Krug J (2009): Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): a climate change mitigation strategy on a critical track. Carbon Balance and Management 4:10. [SCIE 4,372]

Krug J, Riedel T, Rüter S, Elsasser P, Bormann K, Köhl M (2009): Options for Accounting Carbon Sequestration in German Forests. Carbon Balance and Management 4:5. [SCIE 4,372]

Osterburg B, Röder N, Elsasser P, Dieter M, Krug J (2009): Analyse ausgewählter internationaler Studien und Dokumente in Hinblick auf Kosten und Potentiale der Minderung von Treibhausgasemissionen sowie des Aufbaus und der Erhaltung von C-Senken im deutschen Agrar- und Forstsektor. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz. Arbeitsberichte aus der vTI-Agrarökonomie 2009/04. Braunschweig, Hamburg.

Krug J, Chandler F, Kleinn C (2007): Strengthening scientific collaboration in forestry research. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia. [Workshop Report]

Krug J (2004): Site-Species Matching and Planting Techniques for Arid-Zone Forestry in Namibia. Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen. [PhD thesis]

Krug J (1996): Strukturveränderungen von Naturwaldbeständen in Abhängigkeit zur Siedlungsentfernung am Mt. Kenya, Kenia. [Diploma thesis]